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Nov 27, 2015

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Morty Lefkoe, President & Founder of The Lefkoe Institute, & author of Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World. Twenty-five years ago Morty discovered a way to help people make permanent changes in their emotions and behavior. He created a series of psychological processes...

Nov 13, 2015

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Kute Blackson, a new generation firestarter inspiring a global revolution in Consciousness. Kute’s passion is helping you reveal your passion and live it. Raised in Ghana, the son of a revered spiritual leader, Kute is a gifted, inspirational orator. At age 8 he spoke in front of 3000...

Nov 06, 2015

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Craig and Patricia Neal co-founders of The Heartland Circle and co-authors of The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations. Heartland Circle was born from Craig’s early “awakening to a greater purpose” at the 1963 March on Washington, and from...