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Jan 08, 2020

After searching in a scout-sniper platoon, Tom Voss came home carrying invisible wounds of war—the memory of doing or witnessing things that went against his fundamental beliefs. Voss and his sister, Rebecca Anne Nguyen have co-authored the book, Where War Ends. They converse with Cynthia Brian about Voss’s pursuit of mediation where he discovered breathing techniques that moved him from despair to hope. Hindsight may be 2020, but in this year of 2020, we can live healthier and happier by embracing an attitude of gratitude every day. Despite losses and challenges when we search for the good in tiny details, we can move on and find joy. Discover how you can make an attitude adjustment in 2020. What are the coolest trends in the garden for 2020? Trends drive sales and new life into gardens. Predications indicate that the green industry will be at the forefront of urban growth and development. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian shares the treasure chest of what’s happening for 2020.