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Apr 25, 2018

Do trees communicate with each other? Do they have feelings? What about memories? Learn the language of trees and what they can teach us with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Trees are our allies and they are definitely talking to us. Clear cutting and climate change will kill our trees and our forests. We need to listen to our vegetation as their memories are living, long, and lasting. Is post traumatic stress disorder really a disorder or is it an illness? PSDT is defined as a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock- war,natural disaster, accident, or abuse. Post-traumatic stress disorder affects as many as 25 million Americans. The exciting new approach detailed in The Time Cure, rooted in Dr. Philip Zimbardo's Temporal Theory and developed by Dr. Richard and Rosemary Sword, helps PTSD sufferers stop living in the negatives of the past, look forward to a more positive future, and enjoy the present.