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Apr 18, 2018

Do you feel guilty when you delete a friend? It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, childhood friend or a new acquaintance, if they cause you pain or make you feel “less than” it’s time to remove them from your life. Permission granted to be whole and grand. Breaking Up with Busy by Yvonne Tally helps women identify what type of Overscheduled Woman (OSW) they are, while recognizing the signs that lead to their busy pace. Yvonne offers a host of mindfulness-based, busy-busting solutions throughout the book. Drop bad busy habits with Five-Step Super Solutions Process. Cynthia interviews Yvonne to bust the busy from our vernacular. If men and women are truly going to be equal, parents need to raise sweet kids as opposed to children who identify with traditional masculine or feminine traits. We can all be bold, beautiful, and brazen while being in touch with our inner feelings. The time is now to raise sweet children who will care, share, and be fair.