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Oct 15, 2009

In T42, Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian reveal the secrets behind the 2012 stories. Is 2012 the new Y2K? Find out as the Goddess Gals dig deeper in history to chronicle the debate surrounding the superstitions. John Major Jemkins, author of the acclaied Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 brings us The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth behind the most intriguing date in history. We’ll learn how this date has been interpreted and misinterpreted by scholars, gurus, and cultures and what key controversies surround the concept of 2012. The Twelve, by Bill Gladstone is an extraordinary and unforgettable novel about a most unusual man. As a child, Max lives in a world of colors and numbers, not speaking until the age of six. As an adult, Max ventures on a journey of destiny to discover the secret behind the ancient Mayan prophecy about the “end of time,” foretold to occur on December 21, 2012.