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Jul 12, 2012

Author, of The Best Show in Town, Andy Brown wants nothing to stand in the way of our dreams. His interest in folklore, Easter and Western philosophy, science, futurisms, ecology, and mysticism are wrapped in this inspirtional e-book about harnessing the power of dreaming to lead a happy, healthy life. Many police forces have been issuing unusually high numbers of tickets, says Gary Biller, president of the National Motorists Association. People aren’t driving faster—municipalities are using ticket revenue to close budget gaps. Insurance rates are rising, and if you get a ticket, they go higher. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany shed some light on how to beat a ticket, or at least lessen the sting. Travelers these days often prefer alternatives to hotels. The rental by owner may be less expensive and offer all the comforts of home, but what happens when something doesn’t work and there is no front desk to take care of it? Seasoned traveler, Cynthia Brian gives you the tricky tips about what you see may not be what you rent!