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May 22, 2019

You’ve made it for the quarter of the year, but how can you harness your inspiration to keep on track for the long haul when it comes to your goals? Let’s make a plan and stick to it! Coach cynthia Brian helps you with the particulars. If you want to color your world to fit your lifestyle, you only need to make a visit to the paint store. Paint is powerful. It has the potential to energize, increase appetite, calm you, and help you be more productive. Professional ASID interior designer, Cynthia Brian shares what colors will work best to express yourself. Gardening enriches our lives in every way. We become physically stronger, mentally more acute, and definitely less stressed. Being in nature is mandatory for our pleasure and health of body, mind, and spirit. The sounds, smells, and sights of the natural world are soothing and enhance appreciation for life. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian offers tips on how to safely garden at any age.