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Jan 22, 2007

Life Coach Libby Gill will be filling in for Heather Brittany. Libby is a former entertainment studio executive and oversaw the media launch of the Dr. Phil Show. She’s also a bestselling author of Traveling Hopefully and a columnist for the Dallas Morning News. Libby’s a frequent guest on CNN, she’s been on the Today Show, in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and we’re happy to have her here with us. Libby and Cynthia Brian are teaming up as the Success Sisters to bring you information, inspiration and practical solutions for the challenges of everyday living. In today's segment of The Coaching Corner, we’ll be talking about HANDLING LIFE’S HICCUPS. Can happiness really lie in the stars? In Sunshines: The Astrology of Being Happy by Michael Lutin, we'll learn what throws us off, where our true happiness lies and what keeps us on track. Michael is the astrogoler for Vanity Fair. He gives the inside scoop on our sun sign so that we can be happier and shoot for the sta