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Apr 27, 2022

Are you feeling anxious about being home so much since the pandemic? Do you feel you have too much to do and never enough time to complete the tasks? Learn such tactics to reduce the stress to be your best self. If you were to die suddenly, would your family know your wishes? Would they be able to find your files to take care of the details? Your financial and organizational road maps need to be discoverable for those who will settle your affairs. If experiencing rain in a dry season doesn’t put a spring in our step, what will? After months of no precipitation, finally, in April California experienced a few showers.  A critical ingredient of California’s water supply, the Sierra snowpack is less than 40% from its peak. The drought will be with us this summer and fall but these mid-spring storms will deliver May flowers. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian tells us what is coming.