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Aug 01, 2018

Yellow jackets are wasps and are not related to bees. Bees live in hives while yellow jackets create nests. Yellow jacket workers typically have black and yellow stripes on a ½ inch long body. They have the ability to sting several times, injecting poisonous venom that causes intense pain, while bees can only sting once because their stinger becomes stuck in the skin of its victim. Find out how to protect yourself from the stings of summer with Cynthia Brian. August is the hottest month of summer and your pets want to have fun in the sun while staying safe and cool. Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian offer important tips that will enhance the enjoyment for any of your animal friends. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, chickens, pigs, and goats all have different needs. Water, ice, shade, pools, umbrellas, and trees will all be part of the pet play dates.