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May 29, 2019

The Life Changing Power of Sophrology is a book by Dominique Antiglio, a London-based expert in the field. Sophrology is a stress-management and self-development method based on a practice for body and mind. Sophrology blends the essence of Eastern practices like meditation and yoga with Western science like relaxation, psychology, neurology into a simple practice to build resilience, positivity and transform your daily experiences. Giving constructive, positive feedback is a skill that is learnable. Whether you are a manager or a mother, being able to increase performance and production with helpful advice will benefit everyone. The best possible cure for what ails you could be right outside your door. Nature calls and it is free medicine. Are prescriptions for spending more times outdoors walking in forests, parks, and growing plants the way of the future? Ask your doctor if an RX for nature is right for you and tune in for the advice that will make a difference in your health.