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Jan 08, 2007

While investigating the lives of Japanese Geisha and Korean Kisaeng, Py Conant, author of Sex Secrets of an American Geisha, found a deep well of untapped wisdom in these centuries old feminine practices that could be applied to 21st century women who want to learn how to attract, love, and marry the right man for a lifetime. Her message is that everyone deserves love and happiness. She offers sound advice on how to achieve it with a little help from the sexy secrets of the Far East. Why do people find it so hard to change? The secret is that everyone has their own formula for making changes that stick, but most people don't know what theirs is. They think there is one way to lose five pounds, and another way to stay on top of their email, but they don't realize that for all changes, there is one system that works best for each individual. This Year I Will by MJ Ryan, helps you lock on to your unique formula for planning, implementing, and seeing a life change through, so you can u