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Aug 20, 2014

The death of actor and comedian Robin Williams sent a shock wave throughout the world. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany worked with him on Mrs. Doubtfire and Jack. Together they recall the joy and laughter he brought to everyone he met. The 104th anniversary of Mother Teresa is August 26th. What acts of kindness are you performing on a daily basis? Can your emotions secretly age you? Our expressions and emotions are linked. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany encourages putting a smile on your face, then “fake it to you make it!” Ironically, you will feel happier. Find out how we can look and feel younger by adjusting our attitudes and facial language. When you post on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, are you over expressing? Cynthia Brian investigates how the internet contributes to the over sharing of personal information.