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Jul 15, 2020

Rudyard Kipling once said that words are “the most powerful drug use by mankind”—the words by author Allen Klein (aka “Mr. Jollytologist”®) in his book Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times are the prescription for a daily dose of positive inspiration you can live by in these challenging times. Words can warm our hearts and fire us up or calm us down when we are worried and stressed. Renew your spirit and find comfort in this lively conversation. Abundance is not about acquiring a luxury house, a fancy car, expensive clothes, and a jet-set lifestyle. Abundance is about feeling that there is enough in life for everyone. The world is a place of emotional and spiritual plenty. Cynthia Brian shares The Gift of Abundance from Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference. What will our world like post pandemic? Will we be wearing masks everywhere, fixated on cleanliness, stop going to the theatre? What will be the new normal?