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Aug 18, 2011

The average person isn't thriving. Anxiety, depression, addictions, physical dysfunction, and marital strife are rampant. Most people use a band-aid approaches to fix problems. When those who suffer are parents, their children breathe in the stress and pain and inherit the legacy. Peace in the Heart and Home by author Charlette Mikulka offers a wealth of explicit, down-to-earth professional guidance, resources, healing methods, skills, and anecdotes. Written in memorable, non-abstract language, it explains, inspires and empowers. The Sex Talk…every parent dreads it, and every teen needs it. Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian offer suggestions on how to speak openly even when your teen is resistant. Optimism lives! Research is just now discovering that our brains are hardwired to be positive in order to survive. Silver linings are the result of activity deep in our brains. Cynthia Brian puts on rose colored glasses and discusses “The Optimism Bias” from Times Magazine. We are hard-wired for hope!