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Mar 15, 2012

The leaders of Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA understand that creating ONE UNION is a top priority for members because it will make us stronger. Changes in the entertainment and media industries have given performers a close look at the unacceptable costs of being divided. Now more than ever, we need ONE UNION to fight for all of us — and the time is now! Long time members and advocates, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany talk about the need for a single performer’s union. Everyone desires a happy, healthy relationship. Cynthia Brian provides a timely tune up that will help resolve your issues and rescue your relationship. America is making id more difficult for middle class young people to get a college education. Forty-one states have cut budgets for higher education which means tuition and fees are higher. What’s the answer?Cynthia Brian investigates public university policies and associated bureaucracies.