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Aug 21, 2024

Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs! There are several words and phrases that we use regularly that are racist and offensive that most of us don’t know the origins of. Today, we’ll tell you what these words are and why you want to eliminate them from your vocabulary. When you take a vacation, do you come home relaxed, refreshed, and ready to go back to work? If not, you will benefit from these tips on how to create a holiday where you will expand your mind, connect you to nature, and help you destress. Are you exhausted? Are you burned out? Are alarm bells going off in your body that indicate that you need a break? It is time to listen. Follow StarStyle®: Sign up for FREE Newsletter: