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Jan 02, 2019

The years seem to fly by and here we are with another one at our doorstep. Cynthia Brian offers quips and tips from several of her favorite sources to bring you a year filled with joy and fulfillment of your dreams, goals, and desires. Margaret Winslow met midlife aging not head-on, but ass-on, fulfilling a childhood curiosity about donkeys by answering a for-sale ad for a “Large White Saddle Donkey” in the American Donkey and Mule Society’s magazine, The Brayer. Her midlife decision to adopt Caleb, a 700-pound white Andalusian donkey, upended her life — and her understanding of herself. Her book is Smart Ass. In 2019 we shift our focus from ME to SHE, as in Mother Nature. The report examines the intrinsic connection we have with nature and how we are banding together to save the planet. We will begin to develop a healthier relationship with technology, get outside and back in touch with our roots. Cynthia Brian shares the trends for 2019 by the Garden Media Group.