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Jun 15, 2016

Are you consuming Omega 3-fatty acid supplements to deliver cancer-fighting, heart-saving, brain-reserving benefits? While 1990 research suggested fish oil was good for our health, new studies indicate that fish oil may be the new snake oil. Hear the latest facts with Health Matters coach, Heather Brittany. br Nobody wants to be a quitter but sometimes we have to end a relationship, job, or anything that is not keeping us happy and moving us forward in life. We’ll look at ways to say goodbye when you are really stuck and tired of sticking it out. br We all have a time of day that we do our best work. Knowing when you are the most motivated will save you time, money, and energy. Let’s find out when your mental energy is at its peak so that you reap the rewards of a motivational power hour with coach Cynthia Brian.