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Aug 30, 2012

The story of Moonlight Memoirs continues with a new adventure! Starting this fall, Moonlight Memoirs will be distributed in France. Mariposa Press, a publisher in Tours, France contacted Good Times Press asking if they could distribute Moonlight Memoirs. France has recently become bilingual and quality children's books written in English are in demand. We are looking forward to this new opportunity to spread Moonlight Memoirs' message of eternal love! Last spring, Maggie Mei began teaching writing workshops to local Brownie troops, using her experience of writing Moonlight Memoirs as an example of what anyone can do when they believe in themselves. The Brownies love writing their own stories, complete with illustrations. They also love Maggie Mei! And Maggie Mei and her family continue to expand their ranch in Texas with more animals. Maggie is a girl after our own hearts!