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Feb 24, 2021

Love, Dad: How My Father Died  ..Then Told Me He Didn’t details Mike Anthony's true story as he pulls himself out of despair, and alongside his family, finds true connection and communication with his dad once again. So compelling is his story that Netflix chose to feature it in three episodes of their series Surviving Death. Life at Hamilton by Mike Anthony, details true stories of the interactions between himself, the bar manager at Hamilton on Broadway, and the patrons who were witnessing history while seeing this record breaking, life changing show. Mike’s stories let us in on love, loss and finding your own story amongst the sometimes blinding lights and sometimes darkest hours of life. The book pulls back the curtain to the blockbuster show Hamilton. As we leave the sign of Aquarius and enter the horoscope of Pisces, let’s pray that the lyrics from the Age of Aquarius ring true throughout 2021. Let the sun shine, let the sun shine in! And, please let it rain this month