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May 12, 2021

With the stay-at-home orders this past year and the isolation, most people are looking forward to getting together with their friends and families. If you’ve been vaccinated, the CDC indicates that small outdoor gatherings are relatively safe. Is your garden ready for a small party? Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, offers a few flower fun hacks that will spruce up your space for very little money. When life gets us down, laughter can lift us up. The Humor Project provides a humor vaccines to ward off the things that bug us, like Covid. Visit to refill your humor prescription with new doses of humor every day. If you’ve been vaccinated, you were given an official vaccination card that provides your date of vaccination and the type. Should you laminate your card for safe-keeping or is it better to just take a photo and then store your card? Find out! Although food waste is a global issue, according to the USDA, the United States wastes about 40% of its supply annually. With food shortages around the world, can you do your part to cut back?