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Apr 05, 2023

Cynthia Brian interviews Susan Mulvihill with her newest book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook. The book is filled with effective solutions for the puzzling gardening challenges that can arise, from weather extremes and plant disorders, to vegetable plant diseases and dealing with critters that visit our gardens. Learn how to keep your plants healthy! Kids love digging in the dirt and learning about nature. Goddess Gardener offers suggestions for simple plants that will enthrall any youngster. Connecting children with nature grows joy, patience, responsibility, resilience, and tenacity. Dig in! Spring is the time of rebirth and renewal. Find out what to do this spring to refresh your yard, spirit, and health. Are you sowing seeds, creating a potager, designing a butterfly garden, or a fruit orchard? Life begins in the garden. Cynthia Brian shares stories from her book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener. A full hour of natural delights. Life does being in a garden. Start digging deep and let’s garden! Happy growing. BUY NFTS at