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Sep 10, 2014

Can your food multitask? Is a nutrient enhanced product good for you? Are fortified foods with added vitamins and nutrients really adding value to our lives? In Health Matters, Heather Brittany provides the backstory. Every human shares two experiences-birth and death. Most people rejoice when a baby is born, yet death zaps our energy making us sorrowful. How can we learn to deal with the dying process. Although death brings changes, it can also enforce healing. Cynthia Brian walks us through the graveyard of losing a loved one. Summer is winding down and autumn is fast approaching. For gardeners, this is the time to determine if you want to plant a fall vegetable garden to provide fresh vegetables throughout the colder season without the headaches of weeds, pests, and water conservation. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, helps us enjoy the final days of summer in the September garden.