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Jul 29, 2020

Creative Intelligence Coach and Founder of Epic Vision Zone, Jane Applegath, joins Cynthia Brian to discuss how she brings role models to her summits to inspire others to become trailblazers. Jane says that by choosing creativity, we plant the seed for a new kind of trailblazer. The more the ability to imagine solutions with novelty, the brighter our world becomes. For many months employees who used to report to company headquarters have been working from home. Will this be the new normal in this age of technology? According to a Gallup poll, 3 in 5 workers in the US who were doing their jobs from home want to continue to work remotely. How can you convince your boss that you’ll be productive? Do you know how to identify ticks? There are three types of ticks in the United States that bite humans. These bloodsuckers can cause serious diseases. Learn what protection to wear and how to check yourself.