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Jul 19, 2012

Three female friends face midlife challenges in New York Times bestselling author Ellen Hopkins’ first adult novel, Triangles-a no-holds-barred exploration of sex, marriage, friendship, dn the fragility of life. Ellen is renowned for her fearlessness in tackling tough subjects such as suicide and drug abuse in her YA novels, She has been called “the bestselling living poet in the US” by With Triangles, Hopkins brings her storytelling mastery to take on the challenges of adult dramas. Stay at home dads on the rise! Among father with a working wife, 32% took care of their kids at least once a week in 2010 according to the Census Bureau. That’s up 26% from 2002. Mother/Daughter Dynamic Duo, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany investigate the loving care giving of dads. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, digs deeply with her tips and tricks for summer gardens.