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Aug 31, 2022

The California Secretary of State is committed to ensuring safe, free, fair, secure, accurate, and accessible elections. But the rumor mill is running rampant and the misinformation must be stopped. Information on the circulating rumors and the truths about the election process is the focus of the segment. The final month of summer is the most delicious time of the season when summer crops, especially tomatoes and squash are at their tastiest. With the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables at an all-time high, many Americans are smartly growing their own groceries. There is nothing better than plucking a few leaves from your aromatic herbs, ripe fruit from your tree, tangy berries from the bush, or any veggie growing in your personal plots to add flavor and health to your cuisine. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian explains how to grow your personal garden of eating! Between the pandemic, the Russian/Ukrainian war, delivery back-ups, and more, our dollars don’t go as far as previously. How can we cut our spending without giving up everything we love? Tips on saving at the grocery store, restaurants, and even get aways!