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Jan 24, 2013

The fresh food revolution is sweeping the nation, and more people are gardening than ever before – especially in small spaces. The Edible Landscape by Emily Tepe provides creative gardeners new ways to enjoy growing food while adding color and variety to their yards. Everyone is “wired” with smart phones, apps, texting, Skyping, and the latest gadgets that supposedly make our lives easier, faster, stress-free. But according to reports from the Garden Media Group, what people are really searching for is a connection with Mother Nature. Cynthia Brian turns a “new leaf” of optimism and happiness in the garden. If your hectic schedule leaves you in a constant state of fatigue, you might be suffering from a condition known as social jet leg. The term “I’ll sleep when I die may become true. Women are putting their health at great risk by working long hours and not getting enough sleep. Heather Brittany sheds light on under performance in Health Matters.