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Feb 12, 2007

When did we all decide that multi-tasking was supposed to be a full-time way of life? That we were slackers if we weren’t negotiating a deal, checking our email and whipping up a batch of scratch cupcakes all at the same time? Here’s a radical thought for all you multi-tasking maniacs out there, why don't you just take a chill pill and sloooow down for a while? The Success Sisters, Cynthia Brian and Libby Gill will show you how! 46% of American women are single!! Famed for her time on “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette,” America’s favorite bachelorette Jen Schefft is speaking up for all those women who want to love their lives….and not just look for the “love of their life.” Using advice from relationship experts and comments from women around the country, this guide offers a frank and insightful discussion of how there is much more to enjoy in life than just being in a relationship for the sake of not being alone--and how to be happy regardless of your relationship status. B