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Aug 28, 2013

Within a month of getting an agent, ten-year old Elsie Fisher landed a lead role as Agnes in Despicable Me. This year she returns in Despicable Me 2 in the lead role as the precocious unicorn-obsessed Agnes. Elsie chats with Cynthia Brian about what it is like to be a child actor with so many fun opportunities to explore. Cynthia Brian talks about her 14th edition of her best selling book, The Business of Show Business, now available as an enhanced audio ebook complete with updated information on everything an actor or model needs to know to get into the acting industry while avoiding the scams. Available at Vook, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. The media bombards us with images of perfect people and the products we need to be more attractive. Research indicates that this exposure is contributing to poor body images and eating disorders for all ages. In Health Matters, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany look behind the screen to find what’s real.