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Mar 09, 2022

We condemn Russia for the invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is the Shield of Europe defending the world from tyranny, it’s now or never to show your support for freedom and democracy in Ukraine and the world. The number one concern among business leaders is not Covid 19, it is cyber attacks. For individuals, phone fraudsters and con artists have exploded during the pandemic with many people losing thousands of dollars in bogus guarantees.Financial institutions are on the alert. Learn how to identify what is real and what’s not. Why should you freeze your credit reports? A survey by the Identity Theft Resource Center found that 71% of respondents had not taken action. If you want to protect your identity, freeing accounts is a first step. Freedom is never free. What was it like behind the Iron Curtain? Cynthia Brian reads the chapter, The Gift of Freedom, from her book, Be the Star You Are!® for Teens. After spending six weeks in the former U.S.S.R., Cynthia is adamant that the world can not allow Putin to succeed in taking over Ukraine and building a new Iron Curtain. Support Ukraine!