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Jul 18, 2018

Workplace disagreements are an everyday occurrence. Whether working on a project, team or larger strategic issue, knowing how to address these conflicts at the onset can prevent a disaster waiting to happen. Dave Gerber, President/Founder of Synergy Development and Training, LLC is a change catalyst, motivating people to become the best version of themselves. Dave inspires our audience to transform the way they engage with the world around them. Fewer kids are walking to school alone or riding their bikes through their neighborhoods. Parents have been charged with neglect in some communities for allowing those activities. How can we raise independent children if we are shadowing them every second? Summer is the best time of the year for enjoying fresh vegetables and fruits straight from your garden. It’s also fire season and we need to heed the instructions to keep our homes safer from wildfires. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, takes us on a mid-July walk on the wild side.