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Dec 05, 2018

How do you define success for yourself? Do you keep that purpose and definition of success in mind as you make life and career decisions? Are you taking actions that will help you become the star you want to be and are capable of becoming? Dr. Bud Bilanich contributed the Gift of Clarity to the third book in the Be the Star You Are! series, e the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. As a leadership consultant and best selling author, he knows how to help us have clarity and determination to succeed. In a turbulent world do you worry about the safety of your family in your own neighborhood? Home security systems are now affordable and easy to install. Find out how you can have peace of mind for less than a dollar a day. In the rush of the holiday season, it is soothing to find the hush in the garden. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian finds relaxation and beauty in nature and helps cultivate tranquility through the turmoil.