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Aug 04, 2011

The Blue Roses of Texas by fourteen-year-old MaKayla Durfey is the story of a young woman in the 1860's who quickly lives through all the highs and lows of life. Follow the main character, Riley Tomlinson’s story which is filled with surprises, betrayal, happiness, tears, learning to heal from a desolate past, and how she learned to love again. Can she survive this torrent on her fragile heart long enough to find that fairy-tale ending she always had longed for? Are your teens awake at the wheel? The distractions associated with cell phone usage while driving add directly to the risk of joining the 5,474 people who were killed, plus 448,000 injured on United States roadways in 2009. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany assess the risks of multitasking while driving and offer tips to keep the teens safe. Ah, summer at last! Pleasant days sprinkled with orange sunsets, jasmine scented balmy nights, bushels of fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruits, and plentiful wildlife to entertain as well as antagonize friends and family. Living is easier in the sunshine as merriment is found outdoors in the fresh air. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian brings you the shimmer, shine, and sizzle.