Oct 28, 2020
During this season, life is about the kids. This is a time of magic, wonder, and things that go bump in the night. Halloween has always been a favorite holiday for most children in the United States but this year, Halloween, the way it has been celebrated for decades, is canceled. Have a nature Halloween. Right in time...
Oct 21, 2020
Time management can be challenging any time, but with the pandemic, working from home, and the stress of all of it, it may feel overwhelming. Cynthia Brian offers tips on how to refresh, be calm, and get your to-do list done. “Birdnesting” refers to an arrangement where parents alternate time in the family home...
Oct 14, 2020
To grow healthy, nutritional produce, farmers work daily, rain or shine, in every season, to provide city dwellers with sustenance. They get paid when they sell their harvest, yet it only takes one natural disaster to destroy their year-long labors and erase the opportunity for remuneration. Farming is a risky business....
Oct 07, 2020
Natural disasters know no boundaries. One never knows if a fire, earthquake, flood, mudslide, or other calamity is on the horizon. It’s imperative to be prepared for all emergencies. Because of climate change and global warming, we can be assured that our future will include more widespread, frequent, devastating,...
Are you wondering how to jumpstart your life? Join Host, Cynthia Brian on radio’s favorite power hour: Starstyle-BE THE STAR YOU ARE!. Empowerment Architect, Actor, Speaker, Gardening Guide, and New York Times best selling Author, Cynthia Brian gabs with the gurus, authors, and success-perts who will captivate, inspire, and motivate you to be your greatest unique self. A Miracle Moment helps you live, love, laugh, and learn to make a difference. Business Bytes offers success strategies for home-work balance. Define your vision, discover your passion, and design your future in this power packed hour. Explore your potential and embrace your possibilities. Ignite the flame that burns brightly within, take charge of your life, and coach yourself to success with Cynthia Brian every WEDNESDAY at 4 PM PT /7 PM ET on Voice America Empowerment, broadcasting LIVE.