Jun 26, 2019
Not everyone knows how to read, but reading is an activity that expands your horizons, At Be the Star You Are!®, out motto is “Read, lead, succeed. To be a leader you must be a reader.” Research indicates that reading is good for you, giving your brain a workout. Obviously it helps you get and keep a good job. Most...
Jun 19, 2019
With a glass of vino in hand and several varietals opened on the patio, Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian and her sommelier daughter stroll through the garden to snip, crush, and crunch leaves and flowers to experience flavors in wine. Warm weather is here and it’s time to find out how to get a sip...
Jun 12, 2019
Do you dream of retiring early? Do you have a plan for what you’ll do with the rest of your life? Golf, travel, and rocking chairs may not be enough. New research indicates that health problems intensify after workers qualify for retirement benefits and abate with introduced work. One million of the earth’s 8...
Jun 05, 2019
How can you live a long, happy life? Get healthy! Cynthia Brian poses the questions that we all ask ourselves and offers long-term solutions to everyday concerns. Want to know the best way to control your high blood pressure? Too stressed out? Should I be tested for Alzheimer’s gene? StarStyle has the answers!...
Are you wondering how to jumpstart your life? Join Host, Cynthia Brian on radio’s favorite power hour: Starstyle-BE THE STAR YOU ARE!. Empowerment Architect, Actor, Speaker, Gardening Guide, and New York Times best selling Author, Cynthia Brian gabs with the gurus, authors, and success-perts who will captivate, inspire, and motivate you to be your greatest unique self. A Miracle Moment helps you live, love, laugh, and learn to make a difference. Business Bytes offers success strategies for home-work balance. Define your vision, discover your passion, and design your future in this power packed hour. Explore your potential and embrace your possibilities. Ignite the flame that burns brightly within, take charge of your life, and coach yourself to success with Cynthia Brian every WEDNESDAY at 4 PM PT /7 PM ET on Voice America Empowerment, broadcasting LIVE.