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Dec 28, 2016

What are your plans to bring in the New Year? Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany celebrate the final days of 2016 and discuss ways to have a fun, safe, and meaningful New Year’s Eve! Research indicates that 90% of your happiness is determined by your thoughts and only 10% is affected by external factors. This means...

Dec 21, 2016

Christmas is just few days away. Many people are still shopping, overspending. And creating financial problems that will last through part of the next year. Let Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian help you live your holidays dreams without breaking the budget. It’s officially winter when suddenly your house may...

Dec 14, 2016

With dozens of national book awards, Roland Allnach returns to the strange and surreal path forged by his critically acclaimed Oddities and Entities with nine new tales in his newest horror-speculative fiction book, Vessels. Sometimes you need to be broken to be made whole. It may seem like sci-fi, but we care getting...

Dec 07, 2016

Achieving positive, mutually rewarding, and peaceful relationships takes courage and tenacity. In this interview award winning Australian author and businesswoman, Nola Hennessy, will provide insight into small, yet powerful, changes that people can make to help improve and solidify their existing relationships. Trying...