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Aug 25, 2023

When you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, just keeping your emotions in check seems like a full-time job. Yet, what may hold you back in life, even more, are your survival patterns. Have you ever wondered why you make yourself invisible, procrastinate or please others to get their approval?...

Aug 18, 2023

The Pleiadians are working to expand our consciousness and heal our bodies and soul. Who are the Pleiadians and why are they so powerful with such deep healing energy? Pavlina Klemm with share the Pleiadians' view of Earth, our place in the Cosmos, and why the Earth is so important. What can we do to help?

Aug 11, 2023

We are talking to Viviane Chauvet, an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar in a human projected form. Viviane has innate healing gifts encoded in her DNA that assist conscious sentient life forms to heal at the core soul level. In 2007, she went through a major awakening and energetic reset, then was trained by the...

Aug 04, 2023

Our guest is Stacey Wright, the Director of Arizona and Phoenix’s MUFON Groups, one of the largest groups in the country. Arizona is a hotspot for UFO activity. Stacey will discuss the qualifications, training and findings of UFO researchers, explore the Arizona abduction of Travis Walton and muse about the possible...