Dec 26, 2024
Are you tired when you wake up in the morning after a normal nights sleep? The CDC estimates that one million people in the US have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome! It's estimated that as many as 25 million people worldwide have it. A recent UK biobank study places that estimate at 30 million. We discuss the commonly known and...
Dec 19, 2024
Stem cells are unique cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into various specialized cell types in the body. There are two main types of stem cells, Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem Cells. Embryonic Stem Cells are derived from the early stages of an embryo and have the potential to develop into any...
Nov 21, 2024
Do you have a foot, ankle, knee, hip disk, shoulder elbow or wrist injury that won’t heal? Have you been told you need surgery or joint replacement with no guarantees of course? Have you given up hope of playing tennis, pickle ball, golf, baseball, hockey, basketball or just about any sport ever again? Then...
Nov 14, 2024
We all want to grow old and be WELL! Growing old and becoming ill or infirmed is something people don’t believe will ever happen to them. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are proliferating because of this mistaken belief. The third part of this series on anti-aging will discuss the importance of STRESS...
Nov 07, 2024
Ozone therapy is the use of triatomic oxygen O3, in both medical prevention and treatment. The history of ozone has been covered in many published medical articles and popular books by Marc Seifer and Ed McCabe. They have helped bring to light the versatility of this amazing medicine. Finally, now, Emmy Nominated...