Feb 24, 2022
We all can agree that cancer is one of the most feared and leading cause of death around the world. Likewise, cancer prevention has become one of the most talked about and researched areas of modern healthcare. For the last decade our gut microbiome has been looked at and researched as to the role healthy and unhealthy...
Feb 17, 2022
Ozone therapy has been used for over three quarters of a century effectively to treat many diseases and conditions. While intravenous ozone therapy should only be performed by licensed and trained medical professionals many effective methods of ozone therapy can be easily performed at home. As our special guest,Tobias...
Feb 10, 2022
Have you ever heard of SYNBIOTICS? That's right SYN not SYM! if not don't be surprised. In the world of Probiotics this type is relatively new. However, over 1500 medical studies and papers have been written about their importance and value since 2012. Most probiotics are near useless and we will discuss what the...
Feb 03, 2022
We have over 40 trillion bacteria living in our body and only 30 trillion human cells. The gut microbiome is now directly linked to our health as well as disease. It controls our brain, mood and effects every organ's function. We will begin to discover on this show, the first in a series, these relationships. Also, how...
The show teaches you how Functional Medicine, natural healing and biological dentistry, a.k.a. natural, holistic, complementary and alternative medicine and dentistry, can help prevent, as well as safely and effectively treat your health problems.brbr Dr. Robins and his guests offer the latest and most current information using natural medicine on today’s serious health problems, so as to offer a choice to traditional medical, surgery and medicine, and dental treatments, that often come with great risk of adverse effects.brbr You will gain an awareness of safe medical, naturopathic, homeopathic, chiropractic, natural and energetic healing and dental treatments that you may have had no knowledge of, which can save you needless suffering and expense. We expose you to some of the best functional medical, natural healers, chiropractors, homeopaths and biological dentists from around the USA and the world. Tune in Thursdays at 9 AM PT/12 Noon ET on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness.