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Dec 30, 2021

Most illness is felt to be based on unresolved spiritual issues.How do you become a better spiritual warrior for yourself? How do you even know what war to fight? Are you in one now? How do you know what’s right? Who or what can you trust? What spiritual powers can you work with? These questions and more will be...

Dec 23, 2021

The truth about knee, hip and foot surgery is that not only is it preventable but often unnecessary! However the surgeons are not going to tell you that. After all that's how they make their living. Yes, they alll are supposed to be moral and ethical and help you avoid it but they have to pay their bills and send...

Dec 09, 2021

COVID, as predicated is NOT going away. Vaccines have failed to prevent infection or re-infection, though possibly minimizing the harmful effects in some patients. Prevention as well as safe and effective treatment at home using Functional Medicine, the combination of available pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals,...

Dec 02, 2021

Everybody has dental problems. Most of us will have to lose a tooth or two. Metal (titanium) implants have been used for dozens of years successfully but sometimes come with unasked for serious adverse problems. This has led to the use of ceramic implants like zirconia. We discuss the latest evolution of ceramic...

Nov 18, 2021

There is a huge amount of misinformation and disinformation about the various vaccines. Our previous shows have discussed the differences assessing the possible benefits and risks.Its been almost a year now and the results both positive and negative have been coming in regularly. Television and newspapers have...