Sep 24, 2020
Love may come and go but Herpes is Forever is a said because there has been know know effective treat for it, until now. For the past thirty years direct intravenous ozone therapy using the Robins Method has been known to effectively eliminate, permanently, completely, once and for all.Yes, not just stop outbreaks but...
Sep 17, 2020
What is RHP Ozone Therapy? The scientific basis of Recirculatory Hemoperfusion™ (RHP) and its inter-related technologies, can be described as the process where pure molecular oxygen (O2) through unique processes O3 ~ (Ozone) is circulated in the bloodstream of a patient in a dialysis type method where the patient’s...
Sep 10, 2020
What is your Real age? Epigenetic testing can tell you how old you really are! Epigenetic based age testing is the new frontier of medicine because it is able to predict disease and provide objective validation of aging and real time impact of medications and interventions. We will discuss why it is so important and...
The show teaches you how Functional Medicine, natural healing and biological dentistry, a.k.a. natural, holistic, complementary and alternative medicine and dentistry, can help prevent, as well as safely and effectively treat your health problems.brbr Dr. Robins and his guests offer the latest and most current information using natural medicine on today’s serious health problems, so as to offer a choice to traditional medical, surgery and medicine, and dental treatments, that often come with great risk of adverse effects.brbr You will gain an awareness of safe medical, naturopathic, homeopathic, chiropractic, natural and energetic healing and dental treatments that you may have had no knowledge of, which can save you needless suffering and expense. We expose you to some of the best functional medical, natural healers, chiropractors, homeopaths and biological dentists from around the USA and the world. Tune in Thursdays at 9 AM PT/12 Noon ET on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness.