Jul 19, 2024
Dr. Nicole's philosophy is consistent with a nationally general movement called 'Sex Positivity'. We’re so used to hearing about the risks and dangers associated with sex yet there are so many diverse and wonderful things to celebrate! Sex positivity encourages safety but also highlights sexual pleasure. It embraces LGBTQI+ identities and issues. It rejects shame and stigma and it acknowledges that our sexuality feeds into the very essence of our self-identity and happiness. Beyond this, however, I have found that to be truly sex-positive, sex education must be empowering. It has to be collaborative, NOT authoritative to promote trust and a free exchange of ideas. WEBSITE: https://nicolethesexprofessor.com/about-nicole/ INSTAGRAM: @nicole_thesexprofessor Looking to join my online circle, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go? Ongoing enrolment. Join anytime. Cancel anytime. JOIN HERE: https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/should-I-stay-or-should-I-go-registration
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