Dec 02, 2024
You can’t open a newspaper or go online today without seeing articles about anxiety, depression, burnout or suicide rates—clearly, we’re struggling with our mental health, individually and as a society. But the fact that we’re all talking about mental health is a step forward, acknowledging how important it is to move these issues out of the shadows and take care of ourselves. In today’s episode, I’ll be talking with Jamie Rosen, chair of the Mental Health Law Group at Meister Seelig & Fein, who specializes in representing individuals and families in crisis situations relating to mental health as well as substance abuse disorders. Jamie will highlight some of the emotional and complex issues of mental health law, which often affect parents of adult children with serious mental health issues, and in some cases, adults managing elderly parents with mental health issues. She’ll explain some of the obstacles people face when trying to get their loved ones mental health treatment. And she’ll break out some specific areas of practice, such as psychiatric hospitalization, assisted outpatient treatment, guardianship and estate planning. There are myriad challenges—but also success stories—and you’ll want to hear them.
Thanks to advances in medicine and health, most of us are just at half-life when we reach our mid-40s, with many potentially productive years ahead. But there’s no road map to prepare us for this period. That’s where 45 Forward comes in. My show provides you with strategies to shift the traditional waiting-for-retirement model to a journey of compelling life chapters. Each show tackles an aspect of health, finance, family and friends, housing, work and personal pursuits as part of an integrated plan. Experts discuss topics like revitalizing relationships, creating mini-retirements, managing the maze of technology, finding your next homestead and caring for aging parents. The show instills confidence, and hopefully some comfort, amid the stresses permeating today’s society. Fear of the future is not knowing how to prepare for it. 45 Forward does not proffer prefabricated answers, but helps you shape your life amid the daily anxieties of our time.