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Sep 20, 2021

After Michelle was diagnosed with cancer a second time and endured a challenging treatment year, she was lost - emotionally and physically. She took a job at her son’s school and had to quit after 3 days due to the pain in her body. Cue major soul searching; she needed to do SOMETHING. Thankfully, Breast Friends of Oregon was literally one mile from her house and she went in to volunteer. At this support organization, she found a strong desire to give back and help other women, taking cancer and finding the silver linings out of it. Personally, she found that writing out her experiences brought her joy and now terms herself an “over-sharer.” Nothing about her cancer journey is off limits if it will help others. Her goals are to finish a book about what she has learned from cancer and to shout it from the rooftops via written words, on any stage that will have her and also as the host of the Breast Friends Cancer Support Network podcast.