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Dec 08, 2023

Disease is felt or manifested in the body, and that is the first level of it, but it comes from our mental/emotional state, that is the deeper level. There is however, a third level, the energetic body, or spiritual dimension. in order to truly heal we must address the three levels. Alopathic medicine, usually, just looks at the body and tries to mitigate the symptoms of disease, which is great, feeling sick is not nice, and usually takes away all of our energy to do anything else. However, having gotten rid of the symptom doesn't mean you are healed, we need to see the mental/emotional state that brought us to the illness and heal that from the root. Then we need to see if the energy body is not in that state anymore, if the energy has cleared. If any of these levels are still in the state that brought us to the disease, we will be sick again. Maybe the symptoms are different, but the state of disease is the same. So, healing has to be done in three levels: physical/emotional and energetic or spiritual to be completely healed. Dr. Milly Diericx, joining us from Mexico City, is a hypnotherapist, energy therapist, alternative health facilitator, and author of 'The Konscio Method', and 'Befriending the Wolf: The Guide to Living and Thriving with Lupus'. She will share her healing journey from the auto-immune disease, lupus; help us understand disease, and her therapeutic approach for healing.