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Mar 15, 2024

The joy and power of giving helps us in so many ways. Lynda Dyer, global humanitarian, shares her personal story and charitable services over the past 15 years in China, Africa and Vietnam. One incident was in May 2008 during a massive earthquake that displaced millions of people in Shanghai, China. She will share challenges, how obstacles became possibilities, and how her work inspired a new generation of people. Lynda Dyer is a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer and Master Trainer of Matrix Therapies. In Shanghai, China to train coaches in (NLP) Certified Practitioner Certificate, while staying with the organiser of the trainings, Miss Hong Pan from Hong Pan Consulting, they decided the information would be great for China. Lynda arrived in Shanghai, China on May 12, 2008, only a few hours after the earthquake. Lynda's mission and purpose became part of the recovery process, and how to put her training into effect to help people who were traumatized by so much loss. Highlights of her experience is captured in Good Grief - China Earthquake Story by Lynda Dyer and Hong Pan, with the following excerpt: Sadness or grief takes a whole new meaning when we reflect back on the life of a person or animal we love. Good Grief was written with the purpose to allow others to grieve and celebrate the life of those people and animals we lose along our path through life. Lynda's other humanitarian work in Uganda Africa is in her book, You Can Make It Happen Now... Making Life Happen once you know how. This book was written to inspire people to live their best life by focusing on what they can do rather than what they can't. Lynda wrote her last chapter while working as a volunteer in Uganda. More recently she worked with a Volunteer group, a Monk and his family providing a large variety of charitable tasks including cataract surgery for over 200 people, giving out bags of food to thousands of people in poor areas, building houses and wells and looking after orphanages and schools to achieve their best service. She will share basic tools and strategies on how to live a conscious and empowered life, thrive in challenging times and assist others to live a more joyful life.