Jan 20, 2023
This subject couldn't be more timely as - perhaps now, more than ever before - so many of us are feeling the loss of personal freedom. And while it seems easy to name and blame something for our condition, Guy Finley says that whatever we point to as causing the sense of captivity doesn't uncover the true reason for it, and therefore cannot lead to a solution. According to Finley, the true cause starts with an inner misunderstanding. Finley, a renowned expert on self-realization, will discuss the true nature of freedom and what the misunderstanding is that blocks us from finding it. Guy tells us that freedom cannot be achieved by gaining any power or possession, but only by beginning to live from one's true self. He will explain how aspirants can know whether they are walking the true upper path; the one truth that must be understood if we are to know our Divine individuality, how to gain greater understanding of others and what they can teach us about ourselves. Finely says that listeners will come away from his talk with new pathways to freedom and a plan to make the journey to a more fulfilling life.
Love Light inspires you to cultivate a lifestyle of living in the spirit of love, based on the premise of wholehearted connections through worthiness. Disempowering fear-based conditioning compels masses of people to live in the shadow of fear compounded with thoughts and feelings of not being good enough, undeserving and unworthy. Our thoughts and feelings about love affect all area of our lives. We are worthy and an empowered self is a loving self. My personal mission of altruistic and heart-centered living is grounded in the power of love to become authentic, overcome unworthiness, and transform our lives. You will gain a new perspective on the meaning of love, engage in authentic expressions of love and strengthen and embody the practice of love for yourself and others in your daily life. Our guests are an integral part of our show, and share their expertise, gifts and resources, Fridays at 9 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment.