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Sep 22, 2023

Love has an impact on our health and well-being. How can love be cold? Doesn't one cancel out the other? Yet love is growing cold in our world and is a daily reality. We can see the signs of cold love, such as division, manipulation, putting down or controlling people through fear, arrogance, rage, apathy, bitterness, lack of empathy, resentment and unforgiveness. Ruth Littler, Founder of 360 Well-Being and international bestselling author of Live From the Inside Out, is an Accredited Counsellor, HeartMath Certified Trainer, Holistic Health Coach and Registered Nurse. In this Episode, there is no condemnation, only curiosity to see if our love is getting chilly because it results in illness and reduces our well-being and vibrancy. If we understand the causes and consequences of cold love, we can guard ourselves against it; and counteract it by opening ourselves up to be filled with warm love, which repairs DNA and restores health. Ruth will share strategies to master emotions and reclaim our health and resilience.