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Jul 17, 2020

Almost everyone alive has had many challenges in their past. For many, our childhood was less than perfect yet we survived. Everyone has ancestors who survived horrific circumstances.They are your PAST and you epigenetically carry their unresolved experience within your own DNA. There is a way to disentangle from what is not yours to carry. Constellation healing provides the key to unlock the door of stored memories and reactions that do not serve your highest good. Guest Gary Stuart is a Master Constellation Facilitator and an expert in discovering the hidden dynamics at work in family systems. What he has learned is that there are hidden gifts that emanate from our negative experiences. Once that awareness is achieved we know what we are letting go of, then we become more empowered and free of the shackles that bind us. He contends that our past no longer exists except in our memory, and the healing goal is the newfound ability to be fully present to the gifts we received.